Carbon Fee Prosperity

CCL Dispatch header*

Are you ready for carbon fee prosperity?  Then join us at our 3 day conference and lobbying days in Canada’s Capital City, Ottawa, November 22-24. The conference line-up is phenomenal with too many impeccable speakers to highlight just one person. DEADLINES:  Hotel accommodations  at the Courtyard Marriott in the Byward Market are suggested, although the deadline for the conference room rate has passed. To be assured a lobbying schedule, register by November 7. All details can be found on the registration page.

carbon fee prosperity*

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CCL IN CANADA:  For four years now we have been quietly building the political will for carbon fee and dividend in Canada in true partnership with CCL in the USA. Our national grassroots organization has some of the most dedicated volunteers on the planet. We are that small group of citizens Margaret Mead famously spoke about. Please check out our brief timeline about the Canadian Division of CCL here.


THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD – DID WIN! CCL’s carbon fee and dividend proposal won the “Popular Choice” category for how to implement a price on carbon in the U.S. in MIT’s Climate CoLab contest. CCL will now have the opportunity to present at Climate CoLab’s conference on November 6-7 and engage with experts and attendees to explore how the proposals can effectively move forward. Thank you to everyone who voted and helped us harness the power of social media.

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PLEASE HELP US HARNESS THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA AGAIN: 19 million Canadians have a Facebook account. Thus, our presence in Facebook is a metric we should not ignore. We have more than doubled our Facebook friend likes in 2014 (1500) compared to 2013  (700). We know firsthand that MPs notice Facebook presence. Thus, just minutes of your time will help us when we are in Ottawa. Instructions are here on how to invite your friends to like our Facebook page.

Canada's CCL emissions

*THIS IS WHY WE MUST GO TO OTTAWA: On October 7, 2014, Canada’s Environment Commissioner, Julie Gelfand, expressed her disappointment that Canada is only 7% of the way to meeting our Copenhagen objectives. Our oil and gas sector has the fasting rising emissions. The Harper government has not fullfilled its 2008 promise of regulation of GHG emissions in the oil and gas sector and plans to regulate emissions have been kept secret.  Read our October 9, 2014 media release.