From the pen of Michelle Mainwaring, comes this inspired ditty:
‘Twas the night before elections and all through the House, not a conservative was stirring, not even the louse.
The con signs were placed on the lawns with great care, in hopes that a majority soon would be theirs.
The pollsters were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Nanos all danced in their heads.
And Michael with his ‘passport’ and Jack with his ‘Cap’, had just settled in for the results from our map.
When out on the telly there arose such a clatter, I sprang off of facebook to see what was the matter.
Away to the t.v I flew like a flash, turned way up the volume and heard the news splash.
The news that came on that Osama was dead Gave the lustre of hope that they did have his head.
When what to my wondering mind should appear but a vision of Harper saying “Now let me be clear”.
I turned off the vision, I did that right quick, cause I won’t vote for Harper because he is a big ….!
Steve it’s time to Leave!
And I echo Michelle’s thoughts on last evening’s news, remembering all those who have lost their lives in the face of war and terrorism (in the U.S. but also Iraq and Afghanistan). Many thoughts and prayers for the families they all left behind ~ May this federal election bring us new hope and less fear, new leadership and less war and good democracy for all ~ Amen
Lovely poem!
The only thing is I can’t quite seem to get that last missing word….although I think it ought to rhyme with “quick”.
Let’s see, I came up with brick, crick, frick, hick, kick, lick, Mick, nick, rick, sick, tick, wick and even yick.
Somehow they don’t quite seem to finish it off properly. What am I missing?
Watch your P’s and Q’s Keith. 😉