Signs Of Change

I’ve been blogging about climate change since my conversion from being a climate change avoider to a climate activist/fossil fuel abolitionist in the fall of 2009. As a climate change avoider, I never watched An Inconvenient Truth; after all, it might be inconvenient to have to face my fear or be prodded into taking action. If climate change ever appeared on my radar in those days, I’d think “it’s too big a problem, what can one person do?” and/or “OMG – I’m terrified about what this means, especially for my kids, but surely those elected to ensure our safety won’t let it get out of hand. We backed away from the Cold War, we solved the ozone problem, this will be solved, too.”

Then, in September of 2009, after an unseasonably rainy and cool northern Ontario summer during which I spent way too much time on weather websites looking for some good news, I came across‘s website. It explained climate change in a way I could understand (350 parts per million of C02 is what the best science says should be the level in our atmosphere for human civilization to continue. The current level is higher than that, and will climb as long as we keep digging up carbon from the ground and burning it), and it invited me to organize a simple action in my community.

C & Bill McKibben. Friday evening.forFB
I finally got to meet my climate hero Bill McKibben, co-founder of, last week in northern Alberta

Once I had my climate epiphany, I thought all I needed to do was share this information with everyone I knew, especially other parents and people of faith so that they, too, would be moved to action. That’s what I set out to do, along with organizing events around’s action days, and searching for faith groups already working on this issue. I decided to start blogging about climate change because I needed something else to do about this issue besides reaching out to the people in my circle of family and friends, and because I’m a writer and researcher by profession.

To make a long story short, I found out that most people aren’t moved to action, even after hearing’s straightforward explanation about climate change and the urgent need to decrease our carbon dioxide emissions. That is a fact that I’ve had to come to terms with over the last four years. Having said that, I have met the most wonderful people on my journey as a climate activist, people who are committed to solving the climate crisis to ensure a liveable world for future generations. They are an awesome, awesome bunch!

Part of the path of a climate activist is working through the stages of climate grief. I’ve done much of my grieving, although it’s work that is never completely finished. These days it feels like we’ve entered a new stage on our collective human path, as the fingerprints of climate change are becoming easier to identify every day, at least for those who “have eyes to see”. We are all in this “boat”, this wonderful blue planet, together. But it’s not just climate change that makes our connectedness clear – national economies are now globally enmeshed, and ocean acidification and biodiversity loss respects no national boundaries. We are moving very quickly toward a time where we will be part of deciding if the legacy of humanity will be a charred, much diminished planet for future generations or whether this time of chaos that we are poised to enter will be the genesis of a flourishing, compassionate civilization where abundance is the rule, not the exception. I know which outcome I’m focused on creating!

Hang on, we’re in for a wild ride!




Citizens Climate Lobby

The Six Stages of Climate Grief

Canada’s “New Normal” Weather Adds Heat To Climate Politics

More signs: Detroit Files For Bankruptcy

Protecting The Ocean We Love



The David Suzuki Foundation invites you, if you love the ocean and you want to be a part of protecting  it, to join Ocean Keepers now. Just go to

Whether you have just a few minutes a month, or are ready to be a community ambassador, everyone can play a role to protect our oceans. Joining the David Suzuki Foundation Ocean Keepers team will allow you work together with others to make a real difference. Whatever you decide, we’ll help you along the way.
Together, you and hundreds of other Ocean Keepers can help ensure Canada’s coastal waters are properly managed and protected for decades to come.
Find out more at:

“Her Deepness”, Marine Biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle, Addresses Ocean Acidification from Climate Change

I am in the middle of a four-day course scuba certification course, so I thought this would be a good time to post a video of famed marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle. Called “Her Deepness” by the New Yorker and the New York Times, a “Living Legend” by the Library of Congress, and Time Magazine’s first “Hero for the Planet,” Sylvia Earle is an oceanographer, explorer, author, lecturer, Explorer in Residence of the National Geographic Society, Leader of the Sustainable Seas Expeditions, Council Chair for the Harte Research Institute at Texas A & M, Corpus Christi, Founder and Chairman of Mission Blue, and formerly the Chief Scientist of NOAA.

In other words, this woman knows a bit about the ocean, and scuba diving!  In fact, she lead the first expedition of women who lived underwater in a submersible for several weeks, back in the late 1970s.

I recently heard United Church of Canada Moderator Mardi Tindal say that we can’t speak about climate change without also speaking about the acidification of the ocean that is happening because of the large amount of carbon dioxide that it is absorbing from the atmosphere. It has been buffering us, on land, from the worst effects of global warming because of this. But the ocean, too, is approaching its tipping point. Soon, it will become so acidic that the shells of shellfish won’t be able to form properly, and the conditions  for most marine life to survive will be altered to the point they will die out. The mess in the Gulf right now from the eruption of the BP oil volcano is a very visible demonstration of the disaster we humans have been inflicting on the “Blue Planet’s” oceans. Although this video is nearly 30 minutes long, I would encourage you to take the time to watch it. Dr. Earle has important things to say that the rest of us, who can still affect change before it’s too late, need to hear.


Dr. Earle was also featured on Episode 2 of David Suzuki’s CBC Radio show, The Bottom Line. To go to the show’s home page and listen to it, click here.

If you are on Facebook, you can go to the Friends of Dr. Sylvia Earle page to get updates from her.