Take Time To Renew Your Spirit

The Hopi Nation has come forward to ask for prayers for Japan, and for the restoration of balance on the earth.

Their letter can be read in full here. Here are some excerpts:

The Hopi are praying for the people of Japan and for the people around the world as we face crisis in our world out of balance.

We are in a time of great change on Mother Earth and these events have been foretold by our Elders. Through our Prophecies and our Ceremonies the sacred land of this earth is now crying. ..

As Hopi, we ask you to join with us in prayer to balance mother earth and all life. We believe that, through our prayers and that if we pray with good hearts as told by our Elders, we can lessen the impact of these events...

Hopi say that there is a path to follow that allows us to move through this time of change. Walk gently upon our earth with respect for her and all of life. A return of connecting our heart with the heart of the path to the future…
