Hopes For a New Year

graphic: Helped By Animals
graphic: Helped By Animals

We all have dreams and hopes for a better future. It is good to remember that there is more that connects us than divides us. Let’s hope that 2013 is a time that we the people remind our elected representatives of this fact.


Best of 2012

We’ve made it past the Mayan Apocalypse and are poised enter 2013, a brand spankin’ new year. ‘Tis the season for reviewing 2012. Here’s my personal, and entirely random, “best of 2012” list:

Best NonFiction:


Goodness knows we need inspiration and encouragement in these times, and Andrew Harvey gives the reader just that. Thanks to my good friend and sister on the journey, Donna C, for giving me a copy.


Best Fiction:


I think I was supposed to read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck in my high school English class, but I don’t remember actually doing so.  It was finally time to make up for my the sins of my youth, and read this classic. Of course, Steinbeck’s writing is superb, but what surprised me was how relevant the book’s critique of both our economic and agricultural systems still is in 2012. Although Steinbeck doesn’t use the terms “1%”, “99%”, or “occupy”, if he was around today he would understand them.



Best Hike-Or-Die Experience:

September, 2012 on the Long Range Traverse, Gros Morne Park, Newfoundland, two days after Hurricane Leslie blew threw:

My friend Vi is NOT impressed!
My friend Vi is NOT impressed!


Best Canoe Trip:

Woodland Caribou Park, Northwestern Ontario:


Best Climate Change Event Attended:

The Seattle launch of Bill McKibbon & 350.org’s Do The Math tour:

Bill McKibbon, Do The Math Seattle
Bill McKibbon, Do The Math Seattle


Best GOP Moment of 2012 U.S. Election:

Karl Rove’s Meltdown on Fox News on Election Night.



Best U.S. Election 2012 Moment:

Barack Obama winning.

Seattle.Nov 7.2012
Seattle.Nov 7.2012


Most fun at a writing festival:

Turtle Island Writing Festival, September 2012

Organizers and presenters at Turtle Island Writing Festival
Organizers and presenters at Turtle Island Writing Festival


Most hopeful movement of 2012, which could bring about the Great Shift from disconnection to connection:

Idle No More!



See you in 2013!