Millions of Canadian Taxpayer Dollars Are Spent On Tar Sands PR

Apparently the current federal government can’t afford to spend taxpayer money on climate action or giving affordable healthcare to the poorest and most vulnerable among us, refugees, but it can spend $9 million dollars on greenwashing the Alberta tar sands. That’s not my Canada!

graphic: Greenpeace
graphic: Greenpeace

Click here to tell Harper we need climate action, not public relations.

“Greenwash” of the week – Chevron’s Solar Project

From Rainforest Action Network:

[We’re] bringing back our popular web TV show Greenwash of the Week. This week our charismatic hosts Nick and Brianna investigate the recent solar announcement by oil giant Chevron, dubbed “Project Brightfield.” Is it Project Brightfield or Project Bulls#%t?


For information on the Dirtiest Project on Earth, the Alberta Tar Sands, go to:

The Pembina Institute’s Oil Sands Watch

Or to to have fun playing a video game and at the same time send a message to Canadian politicians that the it’s time to get Chevron and the rest of the Big Oil companies out of the Alberta tar sands, and place a moratorium on oil sands development.