Citizens’ Climate Lobby report from COP20: Lima Accord for Climate Action Approved
By Joe Robertson
At 1:22 am, on December 14, 2014, the Closing Plenary session of the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) approved the draft decision of the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP). That document now becomes the Lima Accord for Climate Action. The Lima Accord is the basis for the work that will be done throughout 2015, leading up to the COP21 next December in Paris, where a global climate action pact including nationally-determined commitments is to be agreed.
A teary-eyed Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Peru’s Environment Minister and President of the COP20, thanked the 195 national delegations for their hard work and collaboration. Calling it an obligation of “our position as decision-makers that we seek to work for the most vulnerable”, he said he woke up this morning, after last night’s tense all-nighter, determined that the COP20 fulfill that responsibility to the world.
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