Real Food Friday


In recognition of American Thanksgiving yesterday, and National Buy Nothing Day today, here’s some food for thought on eating sustainably. Second generation food activist Anna Lappé has worked with a coalition of groups working for a more sustainable approach to agriculture to launch a new website, Food MythBusters. It aims to produce “creative videos, online resources, and grassroots events that tell the real story about the food we eat.” Here’s its first video, which asks the question, “Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?”



More links:

Food Mythbusters

Buy Nothing Day 2012: An Opportunity for Protest

Listening to Nature’s Operating Instructions: Chef Dan Barber

For TED Talk Tuesday on 350orbust, Chef Dan Barber tells an eloquent and surprising parable of foie gras.


“The most ecological choice for food is also the most ethical choice for food whether we’re talking about brussel sprouts or foie gras. And it’s almost always – I haven’t found evidence of this being otherwise – the most delicious choice.”

Hope Is A Verb With Its Sleeves Rolled Up

Sometimes it feels like the forces working against a sustainable future for humanity – vested interests like Big Oil, Coal, & Gas, and the politicians they’ve bought, as well as an overall apathy among the general population – are too formidable to be overcome. We are so close to losing the battle, as Bill McKibbon’s brilliant article in this week’s Rolling Stone underlined; it’s easy to lose hope in the face of this overwhelming problem and dysfunctional political system. What we all need is a vision of what the future could be like, if we wrestle the fossil fuel demons to the ground and make our politicians work for us the citizens, instead of those with the biggest bank accounts. Here’s a video that gives us a glimpse of that future, a future that is happening right now:


*Thanks to Elli Sparks, fellow Citizen Climate Lobby volunteer and climate warrior extraordinaire, for sharing this video.*


One of my favourite quotes on hope is from Professor David Orr , “Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.” Do you have your sleeves rolled up?

Transition Network: Supporting community-led responses to the challenges of climate change shrinking supplies of cheap energy while building resilience and happiness.

Post-carbon Institute: Leading the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world.

Geography of Hope: Book Review

Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math

Kitikaanikamik, “Where People Come To Grow”

Kitikaanikamik is an Ojibway word that means “the place where things grow”. The Local Foods Initiative (RLLFI)  in the northern Ontario town that I live in has applied to the Aviva Community Fund for “seed” money  to get our solar greenhouse/community gardening project up and running. RLLFI has already acquired the funds to buy a passive solar greenhouse which can operate in all but the coldest few months of winter. To make the project, called Kitikaanikamik, “Where People Come To Grow”  a reality, we will also need to purchase soil, build a shelter and compost area, and ensure a power and water supply.  To help make this project a reality, you can support us by voting for it on the Aviva website – click here (you have to register with your email address, but once you’ve done that you can vote for us once a day).  Your support is much appreciated!

If you aren’t yet convinced this is a good project to support, check out this video, then go and vote!


It’s Meatless Monday, so if you need inspiration for a meal without animal protein, go to the

*Thanks, Tanna, for passing on the great graphic at the top!*

Unpredictable Weather Patterns From Climate Change Will Hit Consumers’ Pocketbooks

A follow-up to yesterday’s posting on climate change-related food shortages is this recent article from the Edmonton Journal, Climactic shock to wheat markets signals new era of agriculture: Food systems in transition as consumers face recalibration of supply, demand:

Russia’s decision to stop all grain exports due to extreme heat and unpredictable weather patterns will eventually hit consumers’ pocket books — it is just a matter of time.

There and elsewhere, agriculture is increasingly wilting under the wrath of climate change.

Drought in the Black Sea region and floods in Western Canada are having a big impact on grain prices. Climactic shocks send markets and speculators alike into flurries of activity, and threaten to launch food prices skyward.

Most would agree that, when a storm descends, it’s often best to wait it out until the sun returns. But make no mistake — these sudden market swings signal the start of a new era…

Click here to read the full article.