Via @AnonymousOpsIRC on Twitter: From Boston to Afghanistan, nobody deserves to get blown up at anytime. #peace not #war
American comedian Patton Oswalt posted a thoughtful response to the Boston bombings on his Facebook wall, reflecting on the goodness that remains in the world:
…I don’t know what’s going to be revealed behind all of this mayhem. One human insect or a poisonous mass of broken sociopaths.
But here’s what I DO know. If it’s one person or a HUNDRED people, that is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the percent of the population on this planet. You watch videos of the carnage and there are people running TOWARDS the destruction to help out…This is a giant planet and we’re lucky to live on it but there are prices and penalties incurred for the daily miracle of existence. One of them is, every once in a while, the wiring of a tiny sliver of the species gets snarled and they’re pointing the way towards darkness.
But the vast majority stands against that darkness…(click here to read in full)

Whenever darkness crosses our path, we all have a choice in how we respond.
More links:
Boston Marathon Tragedy Met With Unbelievable Acts Of Kindness
Bomb Attacks Across Iraq Kill 50, Injure 300