Bill Maher on BP Disaster: Our Children Are Part Of The Clean Up Crew

Bill Maher on the BP Disaster:  “What has to happen before people change?…We shouldn’t be drilling offshore at all…In 50 years when there’s no fish and we’ve killed all the animals and there’s just cockroaches and jellyfish, that’s what we’ll be eating…”


I am away this week on a low-carbon canoe trip in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park. Enjoy the video!

NASA Timelapse Video Of BP Spill

The next few days will consist of packing, cleaning, moving, and unpacking and more cleaning for me so my posts, if there are any at all, will be short and sweet. Have a good week!

Here’s a timelapse video of the BP oil catastrophe in the Gulf from NASA, from April 20 – May 24. Remember, there’s been another month of oil spewing out into one of the world’s richest fishing areas since the last image you see.


And if that leaves you feeling depressed and/or disheartened, read the most recent article by Umbra Fisk at, “Ask Umbra On Turning Oil Spill Depression Into Transformation“. Among other things, she points out a recent study that suggests that changing people’s individual behavior may be the best way to grow a movement. Each of us can make a difference.

If you can handle more bad news, “Bigger Dead Zone Projected for Gulf, Even Without Oil’s Effects by Tom Laskaway discusses the “Dead Zone” caused by an annual oxygen-depleting algae bloom in the waters off the Gulf Coast, that can be traced back to agrichemicals that drain into the Gulf from the U.S. Midwest.

Isn’t it about time we collectively stopped messing around with the planet? We are part of the web of life, and right now at this point in history we are a particularly toxic and deadly part of it. Go to FourYears.Go for a inspiration on a different way of being on our home, the Eaarth.