Climate-Concerned Canadians Travel to Ottawa To Talk Solutions

Author and her husband, Dr Mark Polle, meet with Senator Marie-P Charette-Poulin of northern Ontario (on right)
Author and her husband, Dr Mark Polle, meet with Senator Marie-P Charette-Poulin of northern Ontario

Keep calm and price carbon.

Is it possible to solve the climate crisis without hurting the economy? That is the question that five members of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Red Lake were in Ottawa recently to address. They joined Canadians from Vancouver Island to Quebec who traveled to our nation’s capitol last week to learn more about the economic benefits of a carbon dividend that places a price on carbon pollution and returns the money to Canadian households.

Attendees at CCL’s Carbon Fee Prosperity conference November 22 and 23 heard a blue-ribbon economic panel dispel the idea that a healthy environment and a prosperous economy can’t co-exist. Success for one doesn’t have to mean failure for the other, agreed the five members of the panel, which included Professor Christopher Ragan from McGill University. Ragan is a CD Howe Institute Research Fellow and Chair of the newly launched cross-party Eco-Fiscal Commission. Ragan underscored how our current tax system taxes (thereby discouraging) good things that Canadians want more of – income, employment, innovation and better jobs – and doesn’t tax bad things that we all want less of, such as pollution.

“I’ve never met a Canadian who likes pollution and wants more of it, yet we make it free. We have a tax system that by not taxing pollution effectively encourages it,” Ragan told the attentive audience, “We can do better in this country.”

Based on the experience of the B.C. carbon tax, panelist Dr. Stewart Elgie from the University of Ottawa explained that a $30 fee per tonne of carbon (the same as B.C.’s) would generate $20 billion annually. That would mean, assuming there are about 20 million adults in our country, that every Canadian over the age of 18 would get a $1,000 carbon bonus cheque annually in the mail if the federal government adopted a revenue-neutral carbon dividend policy.

After learning more about the benefits of carbon fee and dividend at the weekend conference, 65 CCL volunteers from all walks of life spent Monday and Tuesday on Parliament Hill. They met with MPs and Senators from every political party to encourage them to put a price on carbon pollution and return the money to Canadian households.

Dr. Mark Polle, who met with 12 MPs and Senators while he was in Ottawa, found that the politicians he encountered were pleased to hear from climate-concerned Canadians.

“With a few exceptions, the politicians I spoke with understood the seriousness of climate change and welcomed a conversation about solutions,” Polle said.

Cathy Orlando, CCL Canada’s National Manager, underscored the nonpartisan nature of the organization, stating “Canadians deserve carbon fee prosperity. Carbon fee and dividend is the best carbon-pricing model for Canadians. It has something for everyone. It is a market solution that will not grow government size and not burden the poor or middleclass.”

While not all Canadians understand the urgency of the climate crisis, all Canadians agree on the value of economic growth that doesn’t sacrifice our clean water, clean air, or our stable climate. What the five CCLers from northwestern Ontario discovered in Ottawa last week is that pricing pollution is the right solution for both Canada’s economic prosperity in the 21st century and the threat of climate change.

MP Murray Rankin from Victoria (second from right) met with a constituent and two other Citizens' Climate Lobbyists
MP Murray Rankin from Victoria met with a constituent and two other Citizens’ Climate Lobbyists

Other links:

CBC Thunder Bay interviews Christine Penner Polle, climate activist, about climate solutions

Keep calm and price carbon, Canada

Climate conference lobbies for fee and dividend

Citizens’ Climate Lobby – Canada 2014 Conference: Flickr photos

Check out Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s YouTube channel for video from the Ottawa conference, including Dr Katherine Hayhoe

CCL Toronto leader Cheryl McNamara models the T-shirt with CCL’s message
CCL Toronto leader Cheryl McNamara models the T-shirt with CCL’s message

Carbon Fee Prosperity

carbon fee prosperity

We at CCL Canada have been working hard to set up a live webcasting of the Sunday lineup at our second annual conference and lobbying days in Ottawa this weekend, November 22 and 23rd.

Keynote speakers at include Michael MacMillan, of Samara Canada and co-author of Tragedy in the Commons, and venture capitalist Tom Rand, author and Managing Partner of ArcTern Ventures. Canadian Climate Scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, named by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, will join via videoconference from Texas.

Sunday afternoon’s economic panel will feature a wide-ranging discussion on pricing carbon. The five panelists are Celine Bak (Analytica Advisors), Stewart Elgie (University of Ottawa), Tom Rand (Arctern Ventures), David Robinson (Laurentian University) and Christopher Ragan (McGill University). Dr. Ragan is the chair of the newly formed Ecofiscal Commission, of which Dr. Elgie is also a member.

To view the conference live via webstream on Sunday November 23, link to these sites:

YouTube channel:

Facebook event page for updates:

To join via Google+, add yourself to the CCL Canada Google Circle:  and then go to the Google + Event:

Or click on this link starting Sunday November 22 at 9:30 a.m. EST to watch it live:


carbon fee prosperity

Le Moment Est Venu

children shouldn't have to sacrifice*

After blogging about climate change from my perspective as a mom for nearly four years, I’m taking a hiatus from 350orbust. For more on this, check out my July 31 blog post, Shift Happens.

I would love to meet you in Ottawa in November for Citizens Climate Lobby Canada’s first national conference. Click on the image below for more details.


The Time Is Now

children shouldn't have to sacrifice*

After blogging about climate change from my perspective as a mom for nearly four years, I’m taking a hiatus from 350orbust. For more on this, check out my July 31 blog post, Shift Happens.

I would love to meet you in Ottawa in November for Citizens Climate Lobby Canada’s first national conference. Click on the image below for more details.


Our Children Shouldn’t Have To Sacrifice For Us

children shouldn't have to sacrifice*

After blogging about climate change from my perspective as a mom for nearly four years, I’m taking a hiatus from 350orbust. For more on this, check out my July 31 blog post, Shift Happens.

I would love to meet you in Ottawa in November for Citizens Climate Lobby Canada’s first national conference. Click on the image below for more details.


Ottawa: Buying Ads Is Easier Than Rooting Out CPC Corruption

Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate’er it touches.

Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab

What a week in “Ottawapiskat”!  In Canada’s capital city the embattled government of Stephen Harper is facing one scandal after another, topped yesterday by the very public exit from the CPC caucus of MP Brent Rathgeber. Mr. Rathgeber represents the riding of Edmonton – St. Albert, in the heart of Harper Conservative country. Mr. Rathgeber tweeted yesterday:

My decision to resign from the CPC Caucus is because of the Government’s lack of commitment to transparency and open government.

On his blog, the former CPC backbencher elaborated (boldface added):

Recent allegations concerning expense scandals and the Government’s response has been extremely troubling. I joined the Reform/conservative movements because I thought we were somehow different, a band of Ottawa outsiders riding into town to clean the place up, promoting open government and accountability.  I barely recognize ourselves, and worse I fear that we have morphed into what we once mocked.

I am reminded of a conversation I had with then-Conservative President (now Senator) Don Plett during the middle of the Liberal sponsorship scandal. The sponsorship scandal, which Harper has been getting political mileage out of for nearly a decade, was caused by the Liberal government’s mishandling of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s funds that was earmarked to promote federalism in Quebec but ended up lining the pockets of some unethical and unaccountable PR firms with ties to the Liberals. The scandal has permanently tainted the Liberal Party’s reputation inside and outside Quebec. But I digress. In the name of full disclosure I should admit that Mr. Plett is part of my extended family – we both hail from the same small prairie community where almost everyone is related (or was, back in the day when I was a child). It’s not a connection that I shout from the rooftops, and if Don is aware of the fact that his cousin’s daughter is a climate activist and blogger I’m sure he’s not publicizing it widely either.

But back to 2004, during the middle of the sponsorship scandal. I was on an Air Canada flight and during a stopover in Calgary I overheard a person seated near me engaging in a very animated conversation about the scandal, clearly from an Ottawa-insider perspective. When I looked closer, I realized it was Don Plett, whom I hadn’t seen in decades although I was aware of his rise from local plumber to the one of the most powerful positions in the Reform/CPC ranks. After greeting each other, we discussed the scandal. Don was rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of the Martin government falling because of its financial malfeasance. My response was that if the Conservatives were elected I expected the same thing to happen, the idea of which he protested against very emphatically. But once again, the old adage is proved correct – power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Meanwhile Greenpeace Canada is having some fun at the expense of Mr Harper and his government’s $16 million budget for pro-oil sands advertising. Yup, our taxpayer dollars hard at work imperiling our children’s air, water, and climate!




More links:

10 Reasons Why Harper Isn’t Really Canadian


Google Goes Solar, Harper Government Faltering, And Other Good News

Anybody else need some good news on this Friday, the last one in May?  There’s certainly enough bad news out there, but here’s a few bright spots:

Click on graphic (via I Heart Climate Scientists) for full story
Click on graphic (via I Heart Climate Scientists) for full story


As a Canadian who has, since 2006, watched the federal government of Stephen Harper dismantle our country’s environmental regulations, muzzle government scientists, and ignore climate change, it gives me great pleasure to hear the news out of Ottawa these days. It seems Harper’s government is faltering under the weight of corruption and greed. And, icing on a progressive Canadian’s cake, at the same time Harper’s neo-con ally Toronto Mayor Rob “Stop The Gravy Train” Ford is mired in an ugly drug scandal that promises to end badly for him. The Canadian media is all over both these stories. Here’s an excerpt from just one column, written by Michael Den Tandt and published in the National Post and on yesterday:

“….The Conservative party is home to many decent folk, and good, hardworking MPs. But as an institution, with Harper at its head, it has obstructed, deceived, attacked, maligned and bullied, in ways and instances too numerous to mention here.

So that now, when the prime minister most needs the benefit of the doubt, it is nowhere around him. Seeking trust that he did the right thing, he finds there is none. And the vicious spiral deepens.”

Read the full article on National Post here.


It’s also been a good week for Citizens Climate Lobby, the group I’ve been volunteering with since 2010.  This grassroots organization which focuses on equipping its hundreds of volunteers in Canada and to U.S to lobby in the halls of political power and the media to create the political will for a sustainable climate, was the focus of an article in the New York Times and a column by Dr James Hansen in the Huffington Post. The NY Times article, Lobbying For The Greater Good, quoted CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds:

“It’s always easier to take the cynical view of politics,” said Mark Reynolds, C.C.L.’s executive director. “But if you actually say, ‘I’m a citizen. This is a citizen problem,’ it gives you an entirely different world to deal with.”

Want to know more? To find a CCL chapter near you, or to join an introductory call, go to or, if you’re Canadian,

Have a wonderful weekend!

Harper’s House of Cards Disintegrating Under Weight of Con Senators


We are living in interesting times, as the saying goes. Here in Canada, the house of cards that is the federal Conservative government of Stephen Harper is starting to self-destruct; the only surprising thing to me is that it took this long to happen. The Harper government is throwing bodies overboard as fast as they can, hoping to avert the crisis and avoid closer scrutiny by voters and the media. Senator Mike Duffy, receiver of $90,000 personal cheques from Harper’s Chief of Staff and filer of dubious expense claims, has left the Conservative caucus but remains at the taxpayer’s expense a member of the Senate. Senator Pamela Wallin, whose exorbitant expenses were much defended by Harper & friends up until very recently, joined Duffy in his departure from the Conservative Senate caucus late last week, but (like Duffy) continues to receive her salary from us the taxpayers. Early this long weekend Sunday, as Stephen Harper prepared to exit the country for a visit to South America, Nigel Wright (writer of the afore-mentioned $90,000 personal cheque to Duffy) also announced his resignation from the PMO.

What other grenades remain in this government’s closet, waiting to explode?  Stay tuned; but as a climate activist and mom who has seen her children’s health and climate stability being sacrificed on the alter of Harper’s pro-oil, short-term-profit agenda I’m having the best Victoria Day weekend I’ve had since Harper came to power in 2006. My schadenfreude meter was particularly high this morning when I noticed the hashtag #PMHarperShouldResign was trending on Twitter in both Ottawa and Toronto. Now that’s the start of a good holiday Monday!


graphic: Franke James
graphic: Franke James

One of the Canadians who has been speaking out fearlessly about the federal government’s muzzling of scientists and artists while it pursues its fossil-foolish goals is Toronto artist and writer (and friend of 350orbust) Franke James. Franke has a new graphic book, Banned On The Hill: A True Story of Dirty Oil And Government Censorship, and she’s got a IndieGoGo campaign to help spread the word about the book, which tells the story of how a single-minded focus on tar (“oil”) sands expansion at all costs, including democracy, is playing out in Canada right now under this government. If you want to support this talented and outspoken artist, as well as Canadian democracy, consider donating to the Banned on the Hill campaign.



More links:

And under the heading of I-can’t-believe-she-can-say-this-with-a-straight-face:

Conservative Michelle Rempel says Wright wanted to ensure no taxpayer money was “on the hook

More on the Harper Government woes:

The Mike Duffy Bomb Sends More Shrapnel Through Conservatives

graphic: N Lumley
graphic & ditty: Helena Handbasket, @mypetgloat

Huffty Duffty sat on a wall,

Huffty Duffty had a great fall.

All Harper’s Horsies & Cheque Writing Men

Couldn’t put Huffty together again

*thanks to N Lumley for the share*

Politicians Fiddling While Planet Burns: Scientists Warn 400 PPM Milestone Ahead

scripps_400ppm_soonMay 2013-1

From Citizens Climate Lobby Canada:

MAY 1, 2013 – “For the first time in 3 million years [1], the average daily concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as recorded at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, is about to exceed 400 parts per million (PPM), a strong indication that the Canada and other nations must quickly implement policies to reduce greenhouse gases,” Citizens Climate Lobby said today.

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has monitored and tracked the steady increase of CO2 concentrations as measured at Mauna Loa. Known as the Keeling Curve – named after scientist Charles David Keeling, who started monitoring CO2 in 1958 – these measurements show a steady increase of CO2 that parallels the use of fossil fuels. Prior to the Industrial Age, CO2 concentration fluctuated between 180 and 300 PPM.

In the past century, average global temperature has increased 0.8 degrees Celsius. Based on current rates of CO2 emissions, a World Bank report estimates the average global temperature could increase 4 degrees Celsius (about 7 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century. Such warming will cause sea-level rise, more severe droughts and greater volatility in weather patterns, which in turn will result in displaced populations, food shortages, and greater damage from storms.

“This is one milestone no one should be happy about reaching,” said Mark Reynolds, Executive Director of Citizens Climate Lobby.

Cathy Orlando, Canada’s National Manager of  Citizens Climate Lobby added, “Fortunately we have technological solutions and economic plans available to avoid tragic consequences.”

In April 2013 the Conference Board of Canada released a report that outlined four plausible scenarios for energy in Canada taking into consideration the economic and social impacts of climate change. They suggested, “Canada’s priority in the short-term should be to put a significant price on carbon.”

In order to reduce Canadian emissions and encourage other nations to do the same, Citizens Climate Lobby has recommended passage of a steadily-increasing, revenue-neutral carbon tax that returns proceeds to the Canadian people.

In the USA, this proposal is supported by a number of conservatives, including former Secretary of State George Shultz, as a way to employ the power of the free market to shift away from the use of fossil fuels. Citizens Climate Lobby also recommends coupling the carbon tax with border adjustment tariffs on imports from nations that lack equivalent carbon pricing. This would provide the incentive for other nations to adopt their own carbon taxation.

“We have a solution that should have multi-partisan support. It’s time for Parliament to act. Nero is fiddling while Rome burns,” concluded Orlando.
