Fossils In Harper Government Recognized In Doha

Fossil-of-the-Day-405x332Yes, it’s the annual UN Climate negotiations, which means that it’s time for Canada to start receiving its Fossil awards.  This comes as no surprise to any Canadians who pay attention to what our current federal government is up to in Ottawa these days. It’s clear that they are dinosaurs in every sense of the word except DNA, and are intent on dragging our once proud and progressive nation back into the 20th Century.

Climate Action Network reports that Canada was singled out on climate finance in Doha with a first place Fossil Of The Day:

Canada was awarded the first place fossil of the day today in Qatar for Environment Minister Peter Kent’s dismissive approach to supporting climate action in poorer countries.

In media interviews yesterday, Minister Kent confirmed Canada’s intention not to contribute new funding in Doha to help poorer countries tackle climate change, saying that Doha “isn’t a pledging conference.”

In a letter to civil society groups, Minister Kent said that Canada does not support providing funding for emission reductions through the new Green Climate Fund – a fund that has been a major accomplishment of recent UN climate talks – until “a new agreement applicable to all…can be adopted by all parties.” Read full press release here.

Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada, put it this way yesterday:

When it comes to progress on climate change negotiations, the best thing for Canada to do is to stay home and stop sabotaging the process, says the leader of the Green Party.

“Canada continues to be a country that pushes other countries to do less. Our role is not just an embarrassment, it’s reckless and brings our once good national reputation into disrepute,” argued Elizabeth May at a news conference in Ottawa today.”

Read the full Huff Po article: Greens Leader Accuses Tories of Sabotaging Climate Talks.


explain to future generations it was good for the economy

0 thoughts on “Fossils In Harper Government Recognized In Doha”

  1. If it makes you feel any better, our ‘leading’ politicians in the UK are dinosaurs too. They recently decided to ‘back’ renewable energy — by making it so that householders pay, while offering large industries a total exemption from any fees. These lying morans even had the cheek to offer as a ‘rationale’ (hah!) the excuse that charging industry would ‘force’ those businesses to move overseas which would make no sense because the problem is a global one.



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