Two of my favourite Bills talk climate change, along with the Republicans at the table. It is, as posted, a seriously awesome “smack-down” – climate science and reality versus climate nonsense. With infinite patience, Bill McKibben responds yet again to the same tired old Republican/conservative talking points:
If this link stops working, go to this Huffington Post link to view the video.
*Thanks Jen P for sending this my way*
Christine, Excellent post. Bill was fabulous on Maher’s show. One small nit — and many sites have got this wrong — Bill’s name is spelled “en” as in “McKibben” –
Thanks so much for the quick response/correction, Franke!
Good to see McKibben getting the word out there, and thanks for the video.
Isn’t he great? His incredible patience, after all this time and so little progress on this issue, is inspiring. What a wonderful role model.
Isn’t freedom of speech wonderful?
Here, maybe?
Thanks for the heads up, P. I’ve found a new youtube link, and given the Huffington Post link as a back up.
Thank you for finding the replacement 🙂
‘welcome! Unfortunately it’s missing the last couple of minutes, but it’s the best I could do.