Hug A Climate Scientist Today!

Today is officially “Hug a Climate Scientist Day”, a reminder that climate scientists are our friends!  Don’t forget to do so, virtually, or in reality if you happen to have one as a neighbour or colleague.

For years climate scientists have been carrying a huge load for the rest of us, staring the climate crisis in the face day in and day out while the rest of us have been oblivious to the danger we are putting ourselves and our children into. Increasingly they are doing this while being attacked on many fronts. It’s not easy, I would imagine, to live with the stark reality of human-caused climate change day in and day out, especially if you are a climate scientist with children and grandchildren. But to add personal attacks, including death threats, to what a scientist has to put up with because of their career choice must be horrifying as well as being so, so discouraging.

On a lighter note, here’s one person’s take on the day from

Customers are asked to not squeeze the Climate Scientists.
Ripeness can be ascertained if the stem gives to gentle pressure.
Supplies have been affected by recent unseasonal weather patterns.

So,  to all the scientists out there working on this oh-so-important issue, thank you, thank you, thank you!  I only wish you could be paid an oil executive’s salary for all you do (and they could receive your’s – then we’d see how many of them complained that climate scientists are in it for the money!).  Consider yourselves hugged 350 times!

More links:

Australian National University Scientists Being Threatened For Researching Climate Science

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