- Via Cathy Orlando, a climate champion from Sudbury, Ontario, this posting on Green Nexxus.com:
Climate Denial Crock of the Week needs your vote.
If you don’t know about Peter Sinclair, also known as “greenman3610” on YouTube, you should.
I came across Peter’s blogs while preparing to debate potential climate deniers at Climate Project presentations. His work gave me the confidence to go out into the world and slay the monster called the “climate denier”. After 35 videos, which many people, including climate scientists from all over the world have publically declared are very helpful in persuading climate deniers – Peter has the opportunity to get some much needed funding.
Climate Denial Crock of the Week is in a contest at brighterplanet.com for a potential $5000.00 dollar grant. This grant could help Peter upgrade his computer and software so as to keep improving quality and increasing the frequency of his videos.
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to click here to go over to Brighter Planet and register, and then vote for Climate Denial Crock of the Week. You can vote up to 3 times! And it will only take a few minutes!
It’s a tight competition … a see-saw battle, and he is currently down in the voting.
There was a welcome shout out (click here to view it) from a popular European “YouTuber” which brought in hundreds of new votes and subscribers.
If you’ve already voted, I hope you’ll refer friends and contacts to the link above, or the video (mildly amusing) announcement . ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39FZKW2tS8o )
Click here for the whole playlist.
Please take the time to vote for Peter Sinclair – it takes about a minute, and will support a fantastic cause, for Sinclair exposes those that would have us do nothing about climate change until it’s too late.
- This Friday has been declared a National Day of Action, Night of Mourning Against Offshore Drilling. From Rising Tide North America comes this call to action:
Once again the fossil fuel industry has brought crisis to the Gulf Coast. Devastation of untold proportions spews non-stop from BP’s oil well as politicians try to save face with empty promises, and oil companies preserve their profits with PR campaigns. This catastrophic spill comes on the heels of Obama’s plan to expand offshore drilling. The price of burning fossil fuels is too high. From combustion to extraction the oil industry poisons our communities, destroys ecosystems, and destabilizes the climate. Now is the time to stop offshore drilling dead in its tracks and drive another nail into the fossil fuel industry’s coffin.
People are encouraged to take action to demand:
-An immediate ban on all offshore drilling
-A rapid and just transition away from fossil fuels
-No bailouts for the oil industry. All recovery costs must be paid for by BP, Halliburton, Transocean and other implicated companies.
-The federal government must remove any caps on liability for oil companies.
-BP provides full compensation for impacted communities and small businesses.
-BP provides full funding for long-term ecosystem restoration for impacted areas.
-Oil companies operating in the Gulf fully fund restoration of coastal ecosystems damaged by canals, pipelines, and other industry activities.
Click here to go to Rising Tide’s National Day of Action page for more information on specific actions to take.
Click here if you live in Canada and want to sign a petition to protect our Pacific Coast from oil spills.
While this action is focused in the U.S., those of us living in other countries can take action as well, as the issue of offshore drilling affects many other countries. Here in Canada, the Montreal Gazette reported this week that Canadian offshore drilling regulations were relaxed by the Stephen Harper’s Conservative government last year, so don’t think the same thing can’t happen off of our shores.
Previously, companies were required to install specific kinds of equipment, such as safety valves and blowout preventers. The old regulations outlined everything from how companies should cement the casing on an oil well, to how they should conduct pressure tests.
Under the new regulations, well operators must set environmental-protection goals, list the equipment they will use to achieve those goals and disclose their plans for inspecting, testing and maintaining such gear.
However, they are not required to install any specific equipment.
Click here to read the full story.
The Council of Canadians has issued this call to action:
According to the Parliament of Canada website, the Natural Resources committee next meets on Tuesday May 11 starting at 9:00 am.
So please contact your Member of Parliament as soon as possible and express your concern about the environmental destruction that is likely to occur with oil and gas drilling in the Arctic.
Tell them that you support a moratorium and that the government should be promoting the transition away from fossil fuels to publicly-owned renewable energy.
Given the imperative to reduce the world’s carbon emissions, we should not be allowing transnational corporations like Imperial Oil and BP to extract carbon-emitting oil and gas from the Arctic. Our message has been – leave it in the ground.
To see the membership of the Natural Resources committee – and in particular to take note if your MP sits on this committee – click here to see the membership list.
Click here to read our letter to the ministers calling for a moratorium.
Bill C311, The Climate Accountability Act, could be a tool for Canada to start tackling climate change. It now has a sponsor in the Senate, Liberal Senator Grant Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell said recently:
“We urgently need federal action on a climate change framework for Canada. Not only is climate change a defining ecological issue, it is increasingly an economic one. I commend Mr. Hyer for his hard work on this bill, and I look forward to the collaboration of my colleagues in the Senate to move it forward.”
It looks like the bill will have its first reading in the Senate near the end of May, only a few weeks away. It’s time for those of us concerned about our children and grandchildren’s future to get busy contacting Canadian Senators and reminding them that without a stable climate, our economy is going to go bust. Click here to go to a page with the contact info for all the Senators. Remember, Senators are not elected so they have no constituents, therefore it’s best to contact them all, and remind them not to thwart the will of the elected House of Commons.
Have a great, climate-action, kind of a day! Don’t forget to take action and hug someone you love, too!