What Will It Take For Us To Live Like “There is no Planet B”?

These stories jumped out at me this week, as clear evidence that we are soon going to “hit the wall” as our consumer-driven, “the economy is what counts, all the rest is noise” ways push our planet to the limit, and beyond. What will it take for us to realize that as our water, air, and land goes, so go we? We aren’t viable if we have to breathe and eat toxins, our lands aren’t arable, and our oceans are so acidified from absorbing our carbon dioxide emissions that mass extinction of marine life happens.

Here are some of the stories that drove this point home to me this week:

Weather-related disasters are here to stay, say scientists:

Floods, fires, melting ice and feverish heat.

From smoke-choked Moscow to water-soaked Pakistan, a sweltering southern Ontario and the High Arctic, the planet seems to be having a midsummer breakdown. It’s not just a portent of things to come, scientists say, but a sign of troubling climate change already under way.

The weather-related cataclysms of July and August fit patterns predicted by climate scientists, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization says — although those scientists always shy from tying individual disasters directly to global warming. The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia’s heat wave and wildfires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They’ll discuss such tools in meetings this month and next in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British government sponsorship.

“There is no time to waste,” because societies must be equipped to deal with global warming, says British government climatologist Peter Stott… Read the full article on the Weather 360 blog at The Star.com.

‘Global Weirding’: Extreme Climate Events Dominate The Summer:

A heatwave in Russia is sparking wildfires that are driving residents from Moscow and devastating the country’s wheat crop. A fifth of Pakistan is underwater and millions are deluged by floods in Asia. Another heatwave is torturing Mexico and the East Coast of the United States. An incomprehensibly large chunk of ice has broken off a glacier in Greenland, the most significant climate event there in 50 years.

Most scientists caution that no single event can be tied specifically to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But climate-change deniers quickly point to the first snowfall in winter as evidence against global warming. If that’s the standard, the extreme climate events all across the globe must say something about whether climate change is already upon us. Indeed, the regularity of the events is beginning to undermine the descriptor “extreme”. Extreme is the new normal…Read the full article on The Huffington Post.

Jersey Shore: Dead Fish Wash Ashore in Thousands For Second Time This Week On East Coast:

NBC Philadelphia reports that tens of thousands of dead menhaden fish washed ashore Wednesday on a New Jersey beach along Delaware Bay.

The incident is strikingly similar to an occurrence from Monday, when thousands of dead menhaden also washed ashore over 200 miles away in Fairhaven, MA…To read the full article, go to The Huffington Post.

And, by Marine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor Rikki Ott:  Seafood Safety and Politics Don’t Mix: Opening of Gulf Fisheries At Odds with Evidence of Harm

I have been in the Gulf since May 3 and have witnessed the outbreak of a public-health epidemic as the oil and dispersant came ashore. Every day now, former workers, Gulf coast residents, and visitors share similar stories with me of respiratory problems, central nervous system problems, chemical sensitivities, or bad skin rashes after exposure to air or water in the Gulf — predictable illnesses from chemical exposure, all of which were avoidable given adequate warning and protection.

Stories of illnesses persist despite assurances from four federal agencies — the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the U.S. Coast Guard — that no levels of oil or dispersant measured in Gulf water or air were found to be unsafe.

I try to focus on the positive things that each of us can do to make the planet a better, not a worse, place for the next generation, so I apologize if you are feeling overwhelmed or despairing.  Each of us can make a difference – but we do need to acknowledge how bad things have gotten so that a sense of urgency accompanies our actions. See Bill McKibbon’s latest post, We’re Hot As Hell and We’re Not Going to Take It Any More. Remember Joe Romm’s words: “Get informed, get outraged, and then get politically active.”  If you need ideas, head over to 350.org and sign up to join or organize a work party on 10/10/10 – be part of the global “get to work on climate change” party.

Notes From the Gulf: “Tell Everyone What Is Happening Here And Pray For Us”

Today’s posting is by Lois Nickel, Director Regional Relations and Programs, Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS). MDS is a volunteer network through which North American Anabaptist churches can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. Lois wrote this reflection last Wednesday, June 9, during a visit to the coast of Louisiana.

A Day Spent in Plaquemine’s Parish

Yesterday I had the privilege of spending a day on the Gulf Coast southwest of New Orleans in Plaquemine’s Parish (like a county or municipality), Louisiana USA.  Six Hesston College students, two Canadian Mennonite University students, and I were led by Mennonite Disaster Service volunteer Paul Unruh (Newton Kansas) on a tour of the area.

We began our day in Port Sulphur and met John – our boat captain – and two other shrimp fishers who travelled with us in the bayou.  We skimmed along the water until we reached the houses that MDS had built and picked up Rosina and Ruby.  Our group was now 15 in a small boat with nearly enough life jackets.  We cruised up close to the marsh grasslands and touched the healthy grasses, listened to the birds singing, smelled the clean air.  Miles and miles of marsh where fish spawn and live.  An ecosystem that is so precious to our earth and to these Bayou peoples.  They believe God has asked them to be its caretakers.  They’ve done that for generations, they want to do so for generations to come.  But that may not be possible.

We sped further out into the wetlands and it was not long until we could start to see a six inch line of black oil film on the grasses.  We could smell kerosene-like toxins in the air at points and we saw the gorgeous pelican birds covered in black oil.  One was trying to fly and was unable to.  We were assured by the next boat we met that the animal rescue folks were on their way to pick this pelican up.  It was explained later that day, though, that not nearly all the birds survive after being washed clean of the oil.  Many have ingested it and get sick and die anyway.  The line of black oil on the grasses grew in inches the further into the Gulf we drove.  We took a container out of the boat and scooped up some of the brown globs oil to show those back on land.  We saw the white booms that BP has placed as borders before the marsh grasses to soak up the oil and saw how they weren’t working and the oil was going under and around these booms and reaching far into the grasses anyway.

Eventually we turned around and came back to Rosina’s home.  She invited us in for conversation and sweet tea.  We sat in a circle and listened to her passionately talk about her corner of the earth and this new threat that may end her family’s way of life.  She and others in her family explained that Katrina was bad, but it was a natural event that came and went and both nature and humans rebuilt in the few years since.  It could be overcome.  The oil spill’s effects cannot yet be known and are affecting both humans and the entire ecosystem of the wetlands.  Shrimpers are out of work – they cannot shrimp.  Many of the local folks don’t know what they will eat – they are used to eating seafood much of the year.  They are now considering container gardening for vegetables and raising chickens.  They will need to diversify.

The Bayou people did not express anger.  They expressed grief and mourning.  Rosina agreed with my confession that we don’t want to give up the products that oil affords us.  We want to drive gas driven boats and cars, etc.  Her frustration with BP is not leading her and her people to wish for all oil drilling to stop.  Many of the Gulf coast people work for BP and the other oil companies.  These companies provide jobs that are needed.  Some families have one person in the shrimping business and one person working for BP and sometimes a person will do both.  Her frustration with BP is that they and other oil companies are not putting people first.  Economics and profit drive these large corporations and in this case (and others that have not had such an accident just yet) BP failed to follow all safety regulations as suggested.  This accident could have been avoided, but money and greed allowed it to happen.

Now, Rosina says, the people in the Gulf are held hostage by BP.  They can’t try to clean up the oil themselves, nor can the state or the parish.  Everyone must leave it alone while BP takes responsibility and cleans it up.  If anyone interferes, then BP can blame anything that doesn’t work or goes wrong on someone else who was involved.  The people who live there are restricted in going and even looking at the damage – they can get fined for doing so.  They also need work.  They can register with BP and be hired by BP to help clean up the spill.  But again if BP sees them so much as wearing a nose/mouth mask or spitting into the water, they are fired.

What can we do?  Rosina believes that each voice that carries the message to the world that we need oil companies to be safer and make human life and ecosystems priority over profit will make a difference.  She asked us to tell everyone what is happening there and to pray for them.  They want to live there and work there and have the earth healthy there.  They feel like they can’t fix this, they can’t do much, but they can tell their story.

Later in the day we met with a Vietnamese shrimper who had been waiting for weeks to hear from BP about a job as his boat sat idle.  He found out on Tuesday evening that he was hired.  We toured his shrimp boat after he pulled into his berth for the night.  He was smiling from ear to ear he was so very very happy that he had work.  He did not believe that the booms (white long strips of batting that are put in the water to soak up and stop the oil) he was placing where BP told him were helping any, but it meant he could pay his bills and feed his family.  The pay is good and he was happy to work.  Another fellow on the docks was waiting for that call from BP – he has registered too – and was so hoping it was him that would get a job next.

There is much more I could write yet and I may yet, but this is it for today.  I’m including a few pictures to show an example of what I saw.  I have many mixed emotions – of anger, frustration, sadness, loss, and also of not completely understanding the scope and magnitude of it all.  Paul has written a most moving poem about all this that I also will share with you (click here to read “Grieving Again”).

Healthy marsh grasses. Photo by Lois Nickel
Oil soaked marsh grasses. photo by Lois Nickel
Globs of oil in marsh. Photo by Lois Nickel
BP cleanup booms not working. Photo by Lois Nickel
Shrimp boat working for BP. Photo by Lois Nickel
MDS group visiting Plaquemine Parish. Photo by Lois Nickel

More links:

Mennonite Disaster Service

“Grieving in Louisiana”