Time For An #EndFossilFuelSubsidies Twitter Storm

350.org has teamed up with over a dozen other citizen advocacy groups to organize a twitter storm event to coincide with the week of the G-20 summit, followed by Rio+20:

As delegates from around the world fly into town for the Rio+20 Earth Summit, the largest environmental gathering in world history, 350.org is teaming up with over a dozen environmental groups for a major “Twitterstorm,” a 24-hour push beginning on June 18 to get as many tweets as possible for the hashtag #endfossilfuelsubsidies.

Every year, governments around the world give nearly $1 trillion in handouts and tax-breaks to the fossil fuel industry instead of using the money for sustainable development, clean energy initiatives, reducing the deficit, or any number of better initiatives. Three years ago, the G20 countries committed to ending these subsidies but there has been no action since.

The #EndFossilFuelSubsidies twitter storm is timed to coincide with this year’s G20 meeting which will begin in Los Cabos, Mexico on Monday. Two days later, over a hundred heads of state will join 50,000 people at the Rio+20 Earth Summit. The synchronicity of the meetings provides the perfect opportunity for world leaders to put their money where their mouths are and provide a clear plan to cut subsidies to the fossil fuel industry.

So, ready – set – tweet! Click here to get started.


Canada’s Federal Government Slashes Environmental Spending, But Keeps Subsidies to Big Oil

The Harper Conservatives have racked up a mighty deficit.  When they came into power, the outgoing Liberal government  handed them a $12 Billion surplus. The financial crisis is only partly to blame for the huge shortfall, however much the Conservatives would like to lay all the blame on its doorstep. But the fact is, in 2011, after five years of Conservative government, we are in a fiscal mess.  And the looming budget, expected in on March 22, will see some belt-tightening measures.  It won’t be Big Oil and Gas who will be cinching up their girths, despite the fact that Canadian taxpayers subsidize the richest industry in the world to the tune of $1.4 Billion a year. Instead, the government is targeting programs that address climate change and air pollution.  Those programs are being cut to the tune of $1.6 Billion dollars a year, according to numbers released yesterday by the Treasury Board.

Those Canadians who didn’t realize before where this government’s allegiance lies, can see it clearly now; when the choice is between our children’s future and fattening the already stuffed wallets of corporate elites, the Harper Conservatives chose the latter.  Our children will just have to wait.

Take Action Now:

Please call the Prime Minister asking why he would rather cut $1.6 billion in environmental services and not the billion + dollars in subsidies to fossil fuel companies:  (866) 599-4999. As of yesterday,  civil service employees are answering the phones,  and they are not saying this is the Prime Minister’s office, but state CLEARLY that you wish to speak to the Prime Minister. You will most likely be sent to a machine to leave a message but PERSIST! It is vitally important that Canadians make their voices HEARD.

Also, call your Member of Parliament, and let them know you are not willing to sacrifice the future health and prosperity of Canadians while the fossil fuel industry gets richer and richer. Better yet, call them and make an appointment to meet with them – and bring some friends along!  If they’re Conservative, ask them why the fossil fuel industry’s subsidies continue while environmental programs are slashed. If they are in opposition, get their assurance that they will fight to end the subsidies to Big Oil and Gas.

Click here for contact info on Members of Parliament.

More links:

Federal Government to cut Environment Spending

Climate Action Network Canada – End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks