More good news on the climate front, after last week’s announcement of a US-China climate agreement.
A few years ago, pro-Keystone XL pipeline legislation was depicted as a “no-brainer” by Washington insiders. It looks like our climate isn’t the only thing that’s changing; so is the political climate with regards to the acceptability of pro-oil climate-destructive projects.

In response to the yesterday’s vote in the United States Senate on the Keystone XL pipeline, Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement:
“Once again, Congress tried to play games with our future–and failed. Since Keystone XL has always been President Obama’s decision, this vote was never anything more than an empty gesture of political theater.
“Rather than letting Congress continue to pantomime for Big Oil, President Obama should step up and reject this dirty tar sands pipeline once and for all. By dramatically accelerating tar sands oil development, Keystone XL clearly fails President Obama’s own climate test. The pipeline is a lose-lose for everyone except TransCanada. The President has all the information he needs to reject this pipeline now, and we’re going to stand by him to make sure he does.”
Today’s vote also clarified the political dynamics for the incoming Republican-controlled Congress. Post-election, pipeline proponents are still at least four votes short of the 67 votes necessary to override a Presidential veto.
You do realize that the new Senate, sworn in in the new year, will have the Republican votes needed to support Keystone XL.
Oh I know that things are looking pretty grim after the November election. However, Obama can still veto it if it is approved by both houses. However, I’m part of Citizens’ Climate Lobby and we, collectively, have hope that all is not lost even with both houses dominated by Republicans. For example:
Take care.