We’re All Passengers on The Titanic Now

graphic: Earth-The Operators' Manual
graphic: Earth-The Operators’ Manual


Dr. Richard Alley, climatologist, commenting on atmospheric CO2 levels passing an historic 400ppm last week.

More links:

As CO2 Concentrations Reach Ominous Benchmark, Daily Updates Begin

Greenhouse Gas Levels Near Milestone: Highest in Millions of Years

The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist

The Keeling Curve: A Daily Update of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide From Scripps Institute of Oceanography At UC San Diego

4 thoughts on “We’re All Passengers on The Titanic Now”

  1. This reminds me of another Titanic analogy I read last month in Le Devoir by Josée Blanchette: in an interview with Harvey Mead, Ms. Blanchette says “Selon lui, nous sommes les passagers du Titanic en train de nous demander s’il reste de la place en première class.” (translation: “According to him, we are passengers on the Titanic, wondering if there are any first class cabins left.” http://www.ledevoir.com/societe/actualites-en-societe/376067/nature-humaine

    • There are a lot of analogies to be made with the Titanic at this point in human (and Eaarth’s) history right now, unfortunately.
      Thanks for the link to the Le Devoir article (it’s always good to refresh my French). For those who are interested, here’s the link to Harvey Mead’s blog:

  2. What can we do to steer clear? Read what 70 scientists, academicians and organizations are doing in the attachments to this letter . . . http://bit.ly/RexBar10Mar.

    What I do — and I invite everybody to find a CEO of your particular liking and join in — is http://TellRex.com to be bold and courageous and lead with moral authority by shutting down one refinery, and compelling other CEOs to begin retiring their refineries.

    Starting with the Valero refinery in the Manchester area of Houston (and one in Baton Rouge) would eliminate the need for the Keystone XL pipeline and the tarsand dilbit feedstock desperately needed to keep the refinery supplied above its minimum operational capacity.

    While we urge and plea with PM Harper, Parliament, President Obana and the U.S. Congress to enact a carbon pollution fee (which will take years to produce results) retiring refineries will give the multiple desired results right away, so WRITE AWAY!


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