Are You A Changemaker?

It’s TED Talk Tuesday on 350orbust, and today’s presenter is Zoe Weil who spoke to the young people who gathered at the TEDx Youth symposium held at Cape Elizabeth, Maine, last December. Ms. Weil is the co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education. Ms. Weil’s inspiring talk is entitled “How To Be A Solutionary.” Enjoy!


11 thoughts on “Are You A Changemaker?”

    • Glad to hear you enjoyed it Michelle – now when I post my Tuesday TED talks I think of you possibly squeezing in a few minutes to listen on your IPhone!

  1. Thanks for this, Christine. Highly motivational… I trundled off to find a copy of ‘Vegucated‘; Amazon UK has just two copies in stock — Region 1 (I live in ‘region 2’) US imports @ £71.90. I count no fewer than four things wrong with that (five if you include the fact that my first point of call was Amazon).

    1. Q: What do I care about? A: That the ‘civilisation’ of the ‘West’ is so badly broken.
    2. Q: What are my skills? A: Criticising. Being cynical. Spelling. Annoying people.
    3. Q: What do I love doing? A: Sleeping.

    I think I’m missing a trick somewhere. Suggestions welcome.

    PS 2A should include ‘searching for stuff on the innerwebz’:

  2. Christine, Jean and I have just watched that TED video – wow, wow and more wow.

    Jean has been a vegetarian for many years and I eat little meat as a direct consequence. But your post will change our ways.

    Thank you.

    • What a lovely surprise this morning – thanks for dropping by, Zoe, and for the link. The work you are doing is so important right now, thanks for the inspiration!


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