Let’s Stop Being Fossil Fools, And Just Say No To Bankrolling Climate Change

Via Fossil Free Canada:

What do you call an industry that is planning to cook the planet? An industry responsible for destroying land, polluting the air and water, and violating the rights of people around the world? An industry who’s business model means burning over three times the amount of carbon our planetary carbon budget can handle?

fossil free valentine


Today is Fossil Fools’ Day, a time to put the spotlight on the people and industry that put profits before people, and the planet. The divestment campaign is growing on university campuses around North America. This campaign questions why institutions that prepare the next generation for the future are putting their money into an industry that is destroying that future. Last week students on 15 campuses across Canada led actions to bring attention to this issue.

march 27 campaign
graphic: Fossil Free Canada


graphic: Fossil Free Canada
graphic: Fossil Free Canada


Withdrawing funding from the industry whose business plan is based on the destruction of our planet, and our children’s future, sounds like a good idea to me. To find out more, head over to GoFossilFree.ca if you’re Canadian, or to 350.org’s global endfossilfuelsubsidies.org. Divestment from South Africa resulted in the dismantling of apartheid, and divestment from fossil fuels can change the suicidal course we’re on. What an opportunity and a privilege those of us alive today have, to participate in changing the course of the earth’s history!

the climate is changing, are your investments


More links:


Fossil Free Canada

Carbon Bubbles And Fossil Free Investment: New Report

8 thoughts on “Let’s Stop Being Fossil Fools, And Just Say No To Bankrolling Climate Change”

  1. Well, I must nominate Stephen Harper, the fool on the hill & suggest the spotlight be aimed directly upon him. Who knows what will scuttle away into the comforting tar sands with him.

    Is he acting on behalf of a majority of his riding constituents ? On behalf of a majority of Canadian voters or citizens? Or is he just doing whatever he and foreign petroleum factions want? That’s a simple question, and there is only one acceptable answer for an elected public servant.. Failure to effectively represent the wishes of Canadians is unacceptable.

    ‘Pipeline Company Bullies’, an article by Andrew Nikiforuk includes a link to Dave Core’s presentation. Core’s presentation in Ottawa reveals how the National Energy Board games the pipeline and ‘right of entry’ processes.. and is actually a captive regulator operated by the Canadian Government to protect the interests of energy and pipeline companies over the interests and rights of Canadian citizens.

    This National Energy Board is complicit with Stephen Harper, his PMO, his government, his weakling ministers and his floundering MP’s.. in grooming the country and Canadians for environmental assault. After NEB proclaims in favor of the Northern Gateway dilbit pipeline through BC, the Harper Government will further attempt to usurp democracy, ignore common sense and science, First Nations treaties and the wishes of Canadians.

    These convoluted and crooked process, omnibus decrees and slanted legislation are the hallmark of Stephen Harper, his cronies such as Tom Flanagan & Bruce Carson.. and fully supported and enabled by Minsters such as Jim Flaherty, Peter Kent, Joe Oliver, Tony Clement et al. Their time is up.. they’ve clearly proved their lack of responsibility, loyalty, ignorance, malice and incompetence. Time for them to be revealed for who they are and dismissed.


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