If you missed Climate Reality’s recent 24 hour marathon focused on the link between dirty weather and dirty energy, here’s one of the videos, a fun “symphony of science” auto-tuned compilation featuring Al Gore and climate science:
A musical creation about the reality of global climate change from the live broadcast of 24 Hours of Reality – The Dirty Weather Report. The Symphony of Science is a musical project of John D Boswell, designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form.
In case the link above stops working (which it has once already, mysteriously changing to an ad for Climate Reality t-shirts), here’s another Symphony of Science compilation on climate science put out by Mr. Boswell:
One of the great things to come out of Climate Reality is a new tool for pushing back at the nonsense spread in the mainstream media by anti-science climate deniers, Reality Drop. It’s focused on “spreading truth, and destroying denial.” With the deep pockets of the fossil fuel industry obscuring this debate, any new tool is useful; this one uses gaming and social media to make slaying deniers on-line fun as well as gratifying!
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/52029145]