The Economy: Stealing The Future, Selling it In The Present, and Calling It GDP

In this TED talk from last month, futurist Alex Steffen shares a vision of the way our cities offer the key to addressing climate change. Cities, Steffen says, can help save the future while offering us a much-improved quality of life.


More links:

Future-Ready Cities: Why The Capacity and Willingness to Change Trump Everything

0 thoughts on “The Economy: Stealing The Future, Selling it In The Present, and Calling It GDP”

  1. According to Wikipedia, the source of all knowledge these days, “Futurists (not in the sense of futurism) or futurologists are scientists and social scientists whose speciality is to attempt to systematically predict the future, whether that of human society in particular or of life on earth in general.” Jeremy Rifkin is probably one of the most well known of them.


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