A Meditation for 10-10-10

Today is 10-10-10, and all across the world millions of people are getting to work on climate change, and sending a message to our politicians – “We’re getting to work, what about you?”

In the spirit of global connection, people are invited to take 10 minutes at 10:00 today to pray, chant or meditate for healing of our relationships with each other and the earth.
More links:

A Beautiful Healing Meditation

World Meditation Triads Help Heal the World’s hurts and Quicken the Peace Process

Call for Intention Meditation on 10.10.10 at 10 A M for 10 minutes on Facebook

And don’t forget to go to 350.org to check out the latest pictures and updates on the 7347 events happening around the world, where people are gettingĀ  to work on climate change. And while you’re there, click on theirĀ  “call your leaders” widget to get the number for your elected officials. Then, pick up the phone and call them, to tell them you’ve gotten to work on climate change, now it’s their turn.

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