Climatologist Stephen Schneider on Bill Maher

For decades, Professor Stephen Schneider – a climate scientist at Stanford University – researched and spoke out about the need to sharply and quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He was one of the truly important voices in climate science. When Prof. Schneider died last month, the climate change movement lost someone who, according to Real Climate, “was instrumental in focusing scientific, political, and public attention on one of the major challenges facing humanity – the problem of human-caused climate change.”

Here is a clip of him appearing on the Bill Maher show in 2008.


0 thoughts on “Climatologist Stephen Schneider on Bill Maher”

  1. this is what rots my socks about Bill McKibben – THIS guy, Stephen Schneider, was the one who wrote the first book about climate change, in 1976 not 1989, AND he didn’t have to go around touting himself over it, oh well …

    • I’m willing to forgive Bill a bit of mild revisionist history now and then, considering his dedication to the cause of climate change. 🙂


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