A Campaign To Change The Course Of History

My family is in the middle of a graduation and a move, so my posts for the next week or two may be shorter than usual!

From the website of Four Years.Go, comes this inspiring message:

It’s time to make a choice. We can let present trends continue and risk almost certain breakdown and collapse.

Or… We can act and set humanity on a new course toward a just, thriving and sustainable world.

The choice is clear. We already possess the tools to shape our future. What’s missing is our collective will to act.

Four years is enough time to build that will, to change our direction, even to transform ourselves. And Go because we must start now.

There is still time to act, but no time to waste.

We are at the beginning of a great adventure, perhaps the greatest ever. Together, we can transform the story of civilization from impending disaster to a peaceful and sustainable world. The journey begins with each one of us taking a next step. What’s your next step—big or small?

You can subscribe to get updates from this campaign. Just click on “subscribe to our email list” button on the home page and fill out the information. The page states:

FOUR YEARS. GO. is just the beginning. We’re a rallying call for individuals and organizations to set humanity on the course to an environmentally sustainability, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling path by 2014. We will have developments, news, and opportunities to share as this journey moves forward. We encourage you to sign up to receive email updates about FOUR YEARS. GO. as a great way to stay connected.

I encourage you to spend some time exploring this website, and learning about what people are doing across the globe to make a sustainable, just future possible. For example, you can “share your next step” and let people know what actions you are taking. You can also explore a global map which provides a visual map of our collective journey to a sustainable, just, and fulfilling world. If you are on Facebook, you can also go to the FourYears.Go FB page and become a friend.


Have a great Thursday- don’t forget to take time to spend time outside enjoying your own part of the planet. I know I’m going to get re-acquainted with this beautiful corner of Canada’s boreal forest!

Thanks to Cathy Orlando, Climate Champion from Sudbury, Ontario, for sharing “FourYears.Go” with me.

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