Several posts ago, I talked about truthiness, Stephen Colbert’s word coined to express ‘truth’ that is known “from the gut” without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts . The climate change deniers continue to go wild over the 13 years of hacked emails from East Anglia University, saying they are proof that global warming is a hoax. This is blatantly untrue – glaciers continue to melt, droughts in Africa continue, and the Antarctic ice cover continues to shrink. The science is not in question; there is an overwhelming amount of it out there. And taking a few lines out of more than a decade of personal emails doesn’t change that. Check out this “Climate Denial Crock of the Week” video, where some of this “truthiness” is exposed:
Today is “Meatless Monday” so take that into consideration when planning your meals. If you feel you lack inspiration and recipes, check out this Meatless Monday website. Run by a non-profit group associated with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, their aim is to reduce meat consumption by 15% to improve personal health and the health of the planet. So you can feel good in so many ways when you dig into your meatless enchilidas or vegetable stew tonight!